Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Controversy" in NASCAR over pastor's invocation is pointless

Those of us who are NASCAR fans are aware that something foul is afoot.  There is a brewing controversy over Nashville pastor Joe Nelms' invocation.  It was creative, to be sure, but the problem is not with the overall format, but rather with one small piece of the content: the pastor stated that he was " ... thankful for [his] smokin' hot wife ... "

Admittedly, we as Christians should not be focused on the outward beauty of people.  However, the first attraction between any two of God's creatures -- be it man or beast -- is entirely visual.  And we migrate toward that which (or those who) we are attracted.  So it is no sin for this man to find his wife attractive, and to be thankful for it.

But there is a small uproar over his choice of words and his desire to be thankful for skin-deep beauty.  I ask, though: is it really wrong?

Nelms prefaced his prayer with (I am paraphrasing a bit here, but the point is still made) "God tells is to in all things be thankful."  He refers to 1 Thesselonians 5:8, which reads, " ... give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  It's right there, plain as day: no matter what befalls you, be thankful!  It doesn't tell us to thank him when things go well, or thank him only for things that are puritanical.  It explicitly states to be thankful in all things.

The pastor, in my opinion, was doing two things: he was making a point to be thankful even for the smallest, most insignificant, shallow things; and also celebrating that God gave him someone who he always has and always will be attracted to.

It's not really such a bad thing, now is it?

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